Before we get started,
there are a few ground rules…
FIRST…Have Fun!!

Second...We will have to limit this to one prize per household/residence please. You will be able to choose from a FREE Bobblebird (excluding the Cockatiel Bobblebird) or a FREE 5 Pack of Seedsy Rolls.
Third...Because we want to have this Adventure up on the website and available to as many people who might want to play and win a prize as possible, we will have to ask the winner to be responsible for the exact cost of shipping (which will ALWAYS be the most economical way to ship) + a $1.75 handling charge. If you still want to continue to play and win a prize at the end, you'll be asked to provide credit card information for the cost of shipping/handling and tax if the shipping address is located in MN (shipping is taxable in MN).
If you would rather send a check (waiting period to allow the check to be approved at the bank will apply), just provide your shipping address at the end along with the prize of choice and we will get back to you with the cost of shipping/handling.
Fourth...If the Silly Parrot Adventure is played and won by those
NOT residing in the USA, the $1.75 handling fee will not cover costs. Therefore, an additional amount will have to be determined and agreed upon at that time to cover International fees, etc. Also, a different form of payment will be necessary (money order), since we do not accept international credit cards.
Fifth...Of course, you can always do some additional shopping on our website and purchase items you or your birds may like…we will add the items to the prize you won and again, you will only be responsible for the cost of these added products plus the exact cost of shipping and the $1.75 handling fee.
All other Silly Parrot, LLC policies still apply…please click here to review.
**Very clicking on "START THE ADVENTURE" below,
you are agreeing to all of these terms. Thank you and HAVE FUN!**